Investors Information
The securities of the Company are listed on the following stock exchange:
BSE Limited
Stock Code: 539518
- Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Fort Mumbai – 400 001
- (022) 22721233/4
- (022) 22-22721919
The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Code: 18358
- 7, Lyons Range, Kolkata – 700001
- 4025 3000 (Board)
- (033) 2210 4500, 4025 3030
Registrar & Share Transfer Agent
Bigshare Services Private Limited
- 306, Right Wing, 03rd Floor, Amrutha Ville, Opp Yashoda Hospital, Somajiguda, Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad- 500082 Telangana, India.
- 040- 40144582 / 967
- 040- 23370295