Chief Financial Officer– Mr. Rakesh Agarwal
Company Secretary & Compliance officer– Mr. B. Kiran Kumar
Members of Audit Committee:
Shri. Ramprasad Vempati- Chairman
Shri. Vikram Goel
Shri. Sunil Garg
Members of Nomination and remuneration committee
Shri. Sunil Garg- Chairperson
Shri. Ramprasad Vempati
Shri Vikram Goel
Members of Stakeholders Grievance Committee
Shri. Vikram Goel- Chairman
Shri. Sunil Garg
Shri. Ramprasad Vempati
Members of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Shri Ritesh Kumar Sanghi – Chairman
Shri Ram Prasad Vempati – Independent Director
Smt. Pritha Sanghi – Director